
Development Directives
  1. To provide students with basic knowledge and simple theories in chemistry related to their everyday life and applications.
  2. To acquaint students with manipulative skills and awareness of safety in laboratory
  3. To implement various learning and teaching strategies embedded in DSE curriculum
  4. To prepare F.6 students for HKDSE
  5. To foster awareness of impacts of scientific and technological advancement on our society
  6. To provide students with the foundation and skills for further studies
  7. To enable students to use English to communicate comfortably within and beyond the field of Chemistry
Course information
The chemistry department aims to provide a stimulating environment which develops inquiring, knowledgeable and deep thinking students in the context of structured HKDSE. With the provision of a well-balanced and demanding curriculum with rigorous assessments, we aim to provide challenging learning opportunities that inspire students to excel. Our programmes of study promote a variety of experiences that offer exposures and opportunities for students to reach their full potential and communicate their ideas articulately. In addition, we encourage students to be self-reflective and to take responsibility for their learning. The departmental ethos encourages staff and students to be principled, proactive, life-long learners in a caring environment of mutual respect.

Contact Information

22 Tung Tau Wan Road, Stanley
Tel: +852 28130360
Fax: +852 28137311
Email: [email protected]